Retta Management’s expert services for responsible and profitable real estate business

The most important task of Retta Management is to take care of your real estate assets and to ensure that the revenue targets set for them are met. We manage your assets as if they were our own and help you make decisions that will continue to favourably develop the value of your properties in a favourable direction.

  • National service offering for real estate management, rent brokering and management
  • Active proposals for the development of your real estate assets
  • Real-time view of real estate space with the most modern digital solutions in the industry

Työpaikkailmoituksen kuvituskuva - Toimistoisännöitsijä Lahteen

Careful maintenance today – and a strong look to the future

The cornerstone of successful property management is ensuring the maintenance and functionality of the properties in a timely, high-quality and cost-effective manner. On top of that, we build development templates with you to keep the future value and return on your assets high. Among other things, we will assist you towards carbon neutrality in real estate.

Seamless everyday life for your property tenants

The occupancy rate of real estate remains high when tenants are satisfied – whether they are consumers or businesses. We take care of good conditions and smooth everyday life in the property to ensure that the user does not have to worry about them. 

Our mission is to provide the best customer service in the real estate industry for you and your tenants.

Developing better and better services with agility

We invest heavily in developing our services based on the real needs of our customers. As a Finnish company operating in Finland, we are free to develop our operations agilely and to conduct experiments that benefit our customers regionally and nationally. The cornerstone of our development is working together – both among real people and customers.

Minna Toiviainen Retta Managementin liiketoimintajohtajaksi

“The real estate business is not just about buildings, it is about people, whether they are talking about homes or shared work spaces. The human being is the most important part, and the walls are the backdrop. Functional basic functionalities ensure that the space inspires well-being and innovation at its best.” 

Minna Toiviainen, Business Director, Retta Management

Nainen ja mies kävelevät neuvottelevat ja kävelevät hienossa toimitilassa retta

Quality policy

“Our mission is to provide the best customer service in the real estate business”

For us quality means providing the right services at the correct time for the customer’s changing needs.  Central to our operation is understanding  and meeting the customer’s needs as well as the on-going development of our methods of action and our service selection. 

The development work of our company is based on continuous monitoring and improving our operations in accordance to the changes, goals, requirements and regulations set by our industry and our customers. We are committed to meeting these recognized needs in all our activities.  Our operation is guided by ethical guidelines that both our staff and our suppliers are bound by.

Each Retta Management employee is responsible for the quality of their work, whether that work is done independently or together with others.

Quality goals

  • To meet the goals of our assignment contracts and  our customers’ needs 
  • The appropriateness of our services and the correct timing
  • The continued development of our customer relationships, ways of operation, documentation and services on the basis of observed changes and needs
  • Achieving our set financial and strategic goals 

The fulfilment of our quality goals is constantly monitored by named persons responsible for those goals, regularly in management groups and in the yearly management surveys. The achievement of our goals is also measured by regularly conducted customer and employee surveys.