SKV Kiinteistönvälitys and Huoneistokeskus join forces – Huoneistokeskus grows nationwide

As of 1 September 2020, SKV Kiinteistönvälitys and Huoneistokeskus are joining forces under the Huoneistokeskus brand. As a result of the merger, Huoneistokeskus will be an even stronger player in the real estate market and will provide comprehensive brokerage services throughout Finland. SKV Kiinteistönvälitys and Huoneistokeskus both belong to Realia.

Huoneistokeskus is one of the oldest and most respected brands in the Finnish brokerage industry, and is particularly known for its highly professional brokers. The merger of SKV Kiinteistönvälitys and Huoneistokeskus will make Huoneistokeskus a stronger player in the real estate brokerage market.

“As we see it, the merger of the brands will enable us to better serve customers throughout Finland who are changing their homes, and to provide our brokers with the latest tools. There are no overlaps between the existing locations of the brands, so the national presence of Huoneistokeskus and local expertise will increase considerably with the merger. When we combine our forces behind one brand, the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts”, says Realia President and CEO, Kari Virta.

Changes in Huoneistokeskus management

At the same time as the brands are being merged, Anu-Elina Hintsa, who has skilfully led both companies as Senior Vice President, is leaving Realia. From 1 September 2020, Huoneistokeskus will be led by Realia president and CEO Kari Virta, who is also chair of the board of directors of Huoneistokeskus.

“The real estate brokerage sector is currently undergoing major developments, and we want to bring the industry forward. As a larger player, we have a better chance of transforming the sector. Expertise and reliability, which are essential to the Huoneistokeskus brand, are the things we want to promote in the future also”, Virta adds.

“I want to warmly thank Anu-Elina for her long-term commitment to Realia and for developing our real estate brokerage operations”. I wish her every success in the future”, Virta says.