Retta to continue as Ilmarinen’s real estate management partner

Retta Managementin asuntopalveluiden johtaja Heidi Joutsenkunnas (vas.) ja asiakkuuspäällikkö Birgitta Tunttunen luotsaavat Ilmarisen asiakkuutta.

Ilmarinen chose Retta as its national real estate management partner for the second time. The new agreement period between Retta and Ilmarinen started in April.   

As a result of the agreement, Retta will be responsible for the management and leasing of Ilmarinen’s residential properties, the management of commercial facilities outside the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, and the leasing of the entire property portfolio. 

“Ilmarinen’s portfolio is a diverse entity that includes comprehensive national and local service needs as well as a wide range of real estate users, from rental dwellers to business owners. The high-quality execution of the assignment requires not only basic professional work, but also a high level of customer service and continuous development of operations. I am glad that Ilmarinen was convinced of the ability of Retta’s experts to manage demanding projects with professionalism,” says Heidi Joutsenkunnas, Vice President, Residential Properties at Retta Management.

Retta and Ilmarinen have been working together for a long time, and the agreement creates continuity in the development of customer care and service experience. A key role in achieving the common goals is played by a competent group of real estate and rent collection professionals, who work at Ilmarinen’s properties with several years of experience in customer relations. 

“We have designated our own team in Ilmarinen’s residential properties. Our experts know the customer’s housing companies and the special characteristics of the residential areas well. I am proud of the work that Retta’s employees have done and are doing to promote the rental of Ilmarinen’s properties and to ensure the high-quality maintenance of the properties in this tough market situation,” says Birgitta Tunttunen, Customer Relationship Manager at Retta Management.  

Ilmarinen’s new agreement period started on 1 April 2023.