Retta is the first to launch an online apartment rental service

Retta lanseeraa ensimmäisenä kiinteistömanagerina verkkokaupan, jossa uusi koti on vuokrattavissa suoraan verkosta ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta. Palvelu sisältää satoja vuokra-asuntoja ympäri Suomen. Retta Asuntovuokrauksen verkkokauppa löytyy osoitteesta

Retta is the first real estate manager to launch an online rental service where a new home can be rented online anytime, anywhere. The service offers hundreds of rental apartments all over Finland.  Retta Asuntovuokraus online rental services can be found at

“At the moment, the supply of rental apartments is plentiful, and there is fierce competition for good tenants. Our goal is to provide a competitive advantage to property owners who have chosen us as their partner and to help them find good tenants for their properties. I’m very pleased that we’ve been able to make a major investment like the online rental service, which makes our customers’ rental apartments available to tenants fully and easily. At the same time, we’re able to offer a truly multi-channel service to tenants”, says Heidi Joutsenkunnas, Vice President, Residential Properties, at Retta Management.

Easy and risk-free digital services

In the Retta online rental service, you can rent an apartment just when it suits you without any risks, as the apartment rental comes with a satisfaction guarantee. The online service complements Retta’s comprehensive range of rental services, and personal rental advice will also be available in the future.

“A personal service experience continues to be important to us, but as online services have become mainstream, it’s also important to be able to offer a fully digital experience in apartment rental. Many people appreciate being able to use services when it suits them, without having to wait. We want to ensure that the apartment rental process is as easy as possible. With the new online service we are able to offer a 24-hour service and reach a large number of apartment seekers”,Joutsenkunnas says.

Positive feedback from tenants

In the new online service, you can also rent a parking space at the same time as renting an apartment.  

“In our opinion, a good customer experience means that the customer can manage all the matters related to their apartment rental through one single service channel. At the beginning of the year, we piloted the new online rental service in a few cities and collected feedback on user experiences. Based on the feedback, I dare say that we’ve succeeded in developing a genuinely easy and useful service for renting apartments. I believe that 24/7 online rentals will grow significantly and the service will become established alongside more traditional rental methods”, Joutsenkunnas says.

More information:

Retta Management: Heidi Joutsenkunnas, Vice President, Residential Properties, tel. +358 40 517 5919,

Retta Management provides real estate investors, owner occupants and tenants with expert services related to the administration and management of real estate assets. Retta Management is part of Retta Group, the largest expert service group specialising in real estate and the management of apartments, properties and commercial facilities in the Nordic countries.