Helsingin Asumisoikeus Oy selected Retta as its property management partner

HASO & Retta

Helsingin Asumisoikeus Oy (HASO) has selected Retta as its property management partner in an open public tendering procedure. The cooperation between HASO and Retta begins on 1 January 2023.

At the start of the cooperation, HASO will have approximately 5,950 apartments, located in 109 residential sites. The number of residents in HASO’s sites is more than 10,000. With the cooperation agreement, Retta will be responsible for the administrative and technical management of HASO’s right-of-occupancy properties, the sales of the right-of-occupancy apartments, and the comprehensive financial administration of the right-of-occupancy properties.

“We have nearly 20 years of experience and expertise in right-of-occupancy sites. This experience helped us stand out in the tendering procedure and was also demonstrated in the quality comparison performed. We are delighted to start the cooperation with HASO’s professionals, and I believe HASO will also benefit from our solid experience”, says Heidi Joutsenkunnas, Vice President, Residential Properties, at Retta Management.

Retta as a partner in growth

HASO is a right-of-occupancy housing company owned by the City of Helsinki, offering reasonably priced and high-quality apartments in Helsinki. In 2023–2026, HASO will complete an estimated 2,000 new apartments.

“Our strong growth will continue in the coming years. Our objective is to maintain a high quality of housing and to keep costs reasonable. Customer satisfaction is also one of our central objectives, and our management partner plays an important role in it. We are looking forward to our cooperation”, says Teemu Saarikivi, Maintenance Manager at HASO.  

Additional information

Retta Management: Heidi Joutsenkunnas, Vice President, Residential Properties, tel. +358 40 517 5919, heidi.joutsenkunnas@retta.fi

Helsingin Asumisoikeus Oy: Teemu Saarikivi, Maintenance Manager, tel. +358 400 760 540, teemu.saarikivi@haso.fi