Retta’s financial services authorised

Rettan talouspalveluille auktorisointi

Retta, known for its property management and housing management services, became Taloushallintoliitto’s authorised member in August 2023. According to VP of Financial Services Mikael Strann, the authorisation process perfectly validates the work done in the companies in recent years and the numerous system reforms. For Retta’s customers, the authorisation is a sign of high-quality and reliable financial services. 

Retta is known for property management and housing management, but few people know that Retta also employs more than 200 financial management experts, and its operations are similar to those of accounting firms. 

“Retta’s diverse customer base covers approximately 6,000 housing companies and more than 50 larger professional real estate investors. Our financial services are a key part of the service package we offer them. We provide our customers with accounting, reporting, rent control and rent accounts ledger services, which are important for housing companies and property owners. In addition, we do commission calculations especially for housing companies. What sets us apart from a basic accounting firm is our expertise in the real estate industry and the fact that we take conformity to the laws of the real estate industry into account in our work,” says Mikael Strann, VP of Financial Services at Retta. 

As an accounting firm, Retta’s financial services would be among the largest operators in Finland. 

Authorisation communicates quality 

According to Mikael Strann, being authorised by Taloushallintoliitto is, above all, a stamp of reliability for Retta. In recent years, Retta has made large investments in electronic financial management, systems, processes and operating models, in addition to which digitalisation and automation are important drivers of development. In an audit, Retta’s digitalised financial management entity was praised. 

“Authorisation provides a confirmation of quality and processes that follow standards. For our staff, this is a thank you for renewing the operating models and introducing new systems in recent years. For customers, this is a message of quality operations and a confirmation that their finances are in the best possible care,” says Strann.

Strann explains that the authorisation process also confirmed that Retta’s financial services have taken into account aspects related to data security, money laundering legislation and, for example, combinations of dangerous work roles. On the other hand, some harmonisation opportunities were found in the different service centres’ operating models.

“In a way, the audit provided external and objective confirmation that our customers’ financial management is in good hands with us,” states Strann. 

Authorisation creates opportunities to influence 

A special feature of Retta’s financial services is that real estate accounting and finances are learned at work, because you cannot learn it at any school or educational institution in Finland. In addition, Retta’s financial services is a place where you get to work with key national wealth, as most Finns have their assets tied to apartments. 

“We work with key Finnish assets, as we work so comprehensively with the customer and support property managers who handle a wide range of housing company matters. Taloushallintoliitto’s authorisation also gives us access to interest groups and the opportunity to be among the first to hear about and influence the industry’s regulation and development. I believe that this will also benefit our customers in the future,” says Strann. 

Additional information

Mikael Strann
VP Financial Services
Retta Management
+358 50 324 3582