Immo Suutarinen appointed as Realia Management’s director of facility services

Immo Suutarinen will start as Realia Management’s director of facility services on 11 April 2022. In his new role, he will focus on managing Realia’s facility customer relationships, as well as the development of our business and services. In particular, Suutarinen will contribute to the digitalisation of services and ensuring a first-class customer experience. 

Suutarinen will be coming to Realia from the real estate management company Newsec, where he has previously worked in business and digital services management, and as the director of commercial properties. 

“I’ve worked in the real estate business for a long time, as both a manager and customer. At Realia, I’ll once again be able to work closely together with customers, service production and customer experiences, which was one of the key reasons for me to join Realia. In recent years, Realia has made significant investments in new digital services and reporting, and the opportunity to make use of my previous experience and expertise in this work was also a big factor for me,” says Suutarinen about his new role. 

Realia Management’s business director Minna Toiviainen welcomes Suutarinen to Realia. 

“Our goal is to offer real estate investors systematic and visionary real estate management services that guarantee a predictable return and value development for our customers. I’m very happy that we will have an experienced manager like Immo with us to develop and promote our facility services and customer relationships,” says Toiviainen.