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The Board of Directors’ consistent and statutory view of the completed and upcoming repair needs should be stated in just one document. The housing company is responsible for fixed and structural defects in the property and their repair. For example, bathrooms need to be renovated at certain intervals to review the condition of waterproofing. By being proactive, your housing company can avoid large and unexpected expenses, such as repairing unpleasant mould damage. Retta’s maintenance needs review clearly exceeds the minimum legal requirements, and has received unconditional approval from real estate professionals.
The purpose of the maintenance needs review is to draw the shareholders’ attention to the need for long-term property maintenance, and to provide comprehensive information on the condition of the property and future repairs in the housing company, so that the shareholders can prepare for future renovations and their costs.
Retta’s maintenance needs review does not only provide information to residents about future repairs and the related costs. It is one of the main sources of information for residential sales. The maintenance needs review itself increases the value of the company and its apartments, and it quickly informs potential buyers of the level of property maintenance. If your Board assigns the responsibility for drafting the review to Retta, it will receive a carefully prepared proposal for its meeting, allowing it to focus on decision-making.
If you are a customer of Retta Isännöinti property management services, you can ask your own property manager for more information about the service and how to introduce it. If you are not yet a Retta Isännöinti customer, you can ask our local service specialist (contact information below) or submit a request for a quote.