Retta Isännöinti, Helsinki, Valimotie

Valimotie 9-11, 00380 Helsinki
Tel. 010 228 2000

Offices opening hours: Mon-Thurs 9-15, Fri by appointment

Telephone service: Mon-Fri 9-16
You can use Oma Retta service 24/7.

Use our simple e-services

OmaRetta is your service channel for managing your housing-related affairs, allowing you to quickly deal with the matter by yourself. You can use the service to easily order documents, update your address information, notify maintenance services of any defects or submit a modification work notification for renovations, and view your own payment information and housing company records

Fault notification

You can submit a fault notification to report problems that require maintenance. In case of urgent issues, such as water damage, you need contact the on-call maintenance service immediately by phone.

Document orders

Conveniently order documents, such as the property manager’s certificate, articles of association, or an extract from the register of occupants, directly from the service and pay for your purchases using your online banking credentials or an invoice.

Own payment information

In the service, you can see all of your invoicing information related to your own housing company, whether it is consideration payments, utility allowances or water bills.

Shift reservations

Send a Reservation Request for your building company’s parking space, sauna or other space.

Moving notice

You can submit a moving notice electronically in OmaRetta easily and quickly.

Retta Isännöinti on vahva paikallinen toimija Helsingissä

Toimistomme sijaitsee keskeisellä paikalla Valimotiellä Pitäjänmäellä. Henkilöstöllämme on pitkäaikainen kokemus ja osaaminen vaativista asunto- ja kiinteistöosakeyhtiöiden isännöinnistä. Pystymme tarjoamaan asiakkaillemme ammattitaitoista ja laadukasta isännöintipalvelua sekä suuren yrityksen asiakasedut. Toimistomme on auktorisoitu ja auditoitu (ISA) isännöintitoimisto.

The experts of our office

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Anssi Aittasalmi
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Ilkka Ala-Ketola
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Kaisa Dabnell
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Henna-Riitta Lepistö
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Esko Martikainen
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Antti Meroniemi
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Rauli Nurmi
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Jyrki Pauloma
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Pasi Saarnio
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Jouni Suuronen
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Pekko Tuomi
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Pauli Virtanen
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Petri Wuotila


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Emilia Huittinen
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Marjo Juuti
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Reijo Kuusela
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Tarja Miettinen
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Mikko Okkonen
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Laura Simola

Technical experts

Jussi Mäkelä Yksikönjohtaja Rakennuttamispalvelut Person placeholder image
Jussi Mäkelä
Head of Unit, Construction Services
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Jesse Heinonen
tekninen asiantuntija
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Nina Kallio
tekninen assistentti
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Valtteri Lahokoski
tekninen asiantuntija
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Jeremias Mattila
tekninen asiantuntija
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Jukka Syrjänen
tekninen asiantuntija

Submit a request for a quotation for property management services

What are you interested in?

Mandatory information

Additional information

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